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Writer's pictureDr. Jason A. Bulgin, Sr


He enters the room. He spoke no words, and his eyes were wide with anticipation. Not sure how to react; he just stands. Eyes glossy. Standing. Palms sweating. Standing. Unfathomable thoughts racing through his mind, he dare not speak in fear that they come to pass. So, he stands. Helpless and speechless, he stands.

June 1, 2011, Joseph Antonio Bulgin stands helpless. He stands as his only son bleeds from his side. He stands as his only son cries in agonizing pain from the wounds covering his body. He stands because he is helpless within those four walls in which he stands. His school training has not prepared him for a moment like this. No words can be arranged on paper to present to the small audience that fills this room because this is uncharted ground. So he stands waiting for hope and reassurance in this time of duress.

A prayer falls from his lips asking his Father in heaven to calm his spirit, asking his Father in heaven to take the lead, asking his Father in heaven to take control. Eyes glossy and palms still sweating, he stands. How could a loving father stand and watch his only son in so much pain? How could he stand motionless and not lift a finger in fear of the death of his son?

As a boy, he heard a story of a Father who let His only Son leave their beautiful home and enter a world of dangerous people, places, and things. He heard a story of a Father who watched His only Son achieve great things while away from their beautiful home. He also heard how this Father, who had all the power in the world, did not lift a finger when the dangerous people of this Earth crucified and killed His Son. Jesus came to Earth, lived and died, and conquered the curse of sin and death, all while his Father stood.

So my father stood as his Father in Heaven stood. My father stood firm in the assurance of life beyond the grave. He stood weak in the emotion of the situation but firm in the Controller of the situation. He stood unknowing of the whys of the situation but confident in Who was in control of the situation. He stood knowing that the God he serves had complete control, and he stood in agreement with the prayer, “Thy will be done.”’

June 1, 2011, Joseph Antonio Bulgin, my father, stood for me as an example of a man who trusts a God bigger than any situation. My father firmly believed that God had everything in control, good or bad. I saw that in my father that day, and although I pray I don’t have to display it in the same situation, I pray that one day I can show the same strength and faith in the God that sustained me, his son.

John 3:16-17 (NLT) “For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.”

*excerpt from 25 & Counting*

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